Worked from 2016-03-15 to 2019-05-25

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Five game made using JavaFX during the end of high school and start of University. Since Java was my first programming language that I’ve learned, I’ve used Java, more specifically JavaFX , to create multiple games.

The first three were created for a programming class in high school, where we were tasked various programming questions and also had to create projects. As for the last two ones, I mostly created them out of boredom and to apply my newly programming concepts that I’ve learned in University. In addition, these games were created when I wasn’t proficient in CSS, hence the inconsistent design.


GitHub Repo @BenJeau/JavaFX-TicTacToe

This was my first game ever and was intrigued at how I could incorporate multiplayer mechanics, locally and over local network. The last part was a bit too ambitious, but I remember getting it somewhat working. Looking at the code, it is arguably one of the worst games I’ve made. Every move was hardcoded in “beautiful” if-else-if statements. Even if this is the case, I don’t mind the code being up since it demonstrates the evolution of my programming skills.

Screenshot of Tic-Tac-Toe game

I created this game towards the end of the school year of 2016.

There’s also the choice of playing against the computer, the computer difficulty was as follow:

  • * Easy: always making random moves
  • * Medium: making either a random move or a smart move (according to an expert algorithm)
  • * Expert: always making smart moves (where the computer will always win or tie with you)
Screenshot of the menu
Screenshot of the difficulty window
Screenshot of the local multiplayer window

Simon Says

GitHub Repo @BenJeau/JavaFX-SimonSays

Created shortly after, this one was way more simple. I simply wanted to create a game that was similar to the classic Simon Says game. The game was simpler than the Tic-Tac-Toe game, but I was still proud of it as it took me less time to create.

Screenshot of Simon Says


GitHub Repo @BenJeau/JavaFX-Poker

As my final project for my last year’s programming class in high school, I wanted to create a game that was more complex than the previous ones. I decided to create a poker game, where you can play against the computer or against another player.

Screenshot of the initial window
Screenshot of the name entry

It was also my first time creating a multilingual application, although the implementation is pretty naive (with no runtime language change). I’ve decided to create a poker game since the rules are more complex than Tic-Tac-Toe or Simon Says.

Screenshot of the game


Github Repo @BenJeau/JavaFX-Tetris

The following two games were created during exams seasons of University when I didn’t feel like studying or felt like procrastinating on schoolwork. It was a way to apply my newly acquired programming skills in an engaging way.

It was also the first time where I tried to separate the concerns of the application by splitting the code in related classes. I attempted creating a Tetris like game in high school, but it was a complete mess and I didn’t know how to properly structure the code.

Screenshot of the game


GitHub Repo @BenJeau/JavaFX-Sudoku

The last game I’ve created with JavaFX was a Sudoku game. This simple game was a bit more complicated than anticipated because of the generation of the board. I was using recursion and backtracking to generate the board, but since I’ve never seen the concept of backtracking before, I had issues with its implementation.

Screenshot of the game

Unfortunately, since I haven’t completed the backtracking part completely, the board generated may not always be playable. As the code to generate a full board was functional, but then removing some numbers to create a playable board was not (the second backtracking part).

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